Helpmestudybro Blog

Delete Nth Node of the Linked List

“Delete Nth Node of the Linked List” is a basic problem exercise for beginners based on linked list. Here, we are given a linked list and our task to delete nth position node. To do so, we need to traverse the linked list to the node just before the nth...


Delete Complete Linked List

“Delete Complete Linked List” is one of the basic problem exercise for beginners. Here, we are given a linked list and our task is to delete complete linked list or simply, delete all the nodes of the linked list. To do so, we will traverse the complete linked list and...


Segregate Even and Odd Nodes in a Linked List

“Segregate Even and Odd Nodes in a Linked List” is one of the favourite technical interview problem based on linked list asked in many technical interviews of product based companies.  Here, we are given a linked list and our task is to segregate even and odd nodes in a linked...


Detect and Remove Loop in the Linked List

“Detect and Remove Loop in the Linked List” is one of the most asked problem asked in technical and algorithmic interview. This problem is an extension of problem “Detect Loop in the Linked List”. In this problem, we need to first detect whether there exists a loop in the linked...


Find Length of Loop of the Linked List

“Find Length of Loop of the Linked List” problem is an extension of problem “Detect Loop in a Linked List”. In this problem, we need to detect whether loop exists in a linked list or not, and if loop exists, then we need to find length of loop of the...


Detect Loop in a Linked List

“Detect Loop in a Linked List” is one of the most important problem asked in various technical and algorithmic interviews. Here, we are given a linked list and our task is to detect whether there exists a  loop in a linked list.  For Example, following linked list have a loop of...


Bubble Sort On Linked List

“Bubble Sort On Linked List” is one of the basic problem based on the linked list data structure and sorting algorithm. Here, we are given a linked list and our task is sort the elements of given linked list in ascending order using bubble sort. Example: Linked List Before Sorting:...


Count nodes in a linked list with given value

“Count nodes in a linked list with given value” is a basic programming problem based on linked list data structures for beginners. Here, we are given a linked list and our task is to count nodes in a linked list with given value. To do so, we need to traverse...