- Program to Reverse an Array.
- Program to count number of odd numbers and even numbers in an array.
- Program to find absolute difference between sum of odd index elements and even index elements.
- Program to find smallest and largest element of the array.
- Program to count occurrences of a particular element in an array.
- Program to search an element in an Array (Linear Search).
- Program to Rotate Array Elements by āDā positions.
- Program to find most frequent element in an array.
- Program to find pair in an array with given sum.
- Program to find first repeating element of an array.
- Program to merge two sorted arrays.
- Program to find missing number in an array.
- Program to sort if array is sorted.
- Program to print Alternate Elements of an Array.
- Program to swap kth element from beginning to kth element from end in an Array.
- Program to print all possible subarrays of the given array.
- Program to print kth smallest and kth largest element of an Array.
- Program to find equilibrium index of an Array.
- Program to find majority element of an Array.
- Program to find mean of the Array.
- Program to sort an Array of 0s and 1s.