Check if two trees are mirror tree of each other
“Check if two trees are mirror tree of each other” is a basic problem based on tree data structure. Here, we are given two binary tree and our task is to write a program to check whether given two binary trees are mirror tree of each other.
Two trees are known as mirror tree of each other if they satisfy following conditions:
- Both must be empty or non-empty tree.
- Root Node data must be same.
- Left subtree of first tree must be equal to right subtree of second tree.
- Right subtree of first tree must be equal to left subtree of second tree.
C++ Program to check if two trees are mirror tree of each other is as follows:
/* C++ Program to check if two trees are mirror tree of each other */
using namespace std;
typedef struct Node
int data;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
Node(int ele)
data = ele;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
} Node;
/* Function to check if two trees are mirror tree of each other */
bool checkMirror(Node *root1, Node *root2)
/* Base Case1: If both Trees are Empty */
if(root1 == NULL && root2 == NULL)
return true;
/* Base Case2: If one tree is empty and other not */
if(root1 == NULL || root2 == NULL)
return false;
If Both are Non-Empty, Recursively compare data of left subtree of
first tree with right subtree of second tree and vice-versa
return root1 -> data == root2 -> data &&
checkMirror(root1 -> left, root2 -> right) &&
checkMirror(root1 -> right,root2 -> left);
int main()
/* Creating a Binary trees and inserting some nodes in it */
Node *root1 = NULL;
Node *root2 = NULL;
/* Inserting some Nodes in first tree */
root1 = new Node(1);
root1 -> left = new Node(2);
root1 -> right = new Node(3);
root1 -> left -> left = new Node(4);
root1 -> left -> right = new Node(5);
root1 -> right -> left = new Node(6);
root1 -> right -> right = new Node (7);
root1 -> left -> right -> left = new Node(8);
root1 -> right -> left -> right = new Node(9);
/* Inserting some Nodes in second tree */
root2 = new Node(1);
root2 -> right = new Node(2);
root2 -> left = new Node(3);
root2 -> right -> right = new Node(4);
root2 -> right -> left = new Node(5);
root2 -> left -> right = new Node(6);
root2 -> left -> left = new Node (7);
root2 -> right -> left -> right = new Node(8);
root2 -> left -> right -> left = new Node(9);
/* Calling function to check if two trees are mirror tree of each other*/
if(checkMirror(root1,root2) == true)
cout<<"Both Trees are Mirror Tree of Each Other!!";
cout<<"Both Trees are not Mirror Tree of Each Other!!";
Both Trees are Mirror Tree of Each Other!!
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