Check for balanced parentheses
“Check for balanced parentheses” is one of an ideal application of stack data structure. Here, we have given a parentheses string and our aim is to check whether the given string is balanced parentheses string or not.
Balanced parentheses strings are those strings who have closing parentheses like }, ], ) for each opening parentheses like {, [, ( and in respective order.
Stack data structure can be used to check whether given parentheses string is balanced string or not.
The types of parenthesis are: (, ), {, }, [, ] .
- {{}}, [[]], {{[]}}, (({})) are all balanced parenthesis strings.
- ]][[, }}[[, {]{], (((}}()() are all unbalanced parenthesis strings.
The steps required to Check for balanced parentheses are as follows:
- Create an empty character stack.
- While traversing, push every open parentheses character including ( , { , [ into the stack.
- If at any time, Closing parentheses character including ), }, ] appears, then check whether the top of the stack contains the corresponding open parentheses character or not.
- If stack contains, corresponding open parentheses character, then pop it out and continue the string traversal.
- Else, return false as given parentheses string is not balanced.
- After complete traversal, if stack is empty, then return true, which means given parentheses string is balanced.
C++ Program to Check for balanced parentheses is as follows:
/* Program to Check for balanced parentheses */
using namespace std;
bool checkBalanced(string str)
for(int i = 0 ; i < str.length() ; i++)
if(str[i]=='{' || str[i]=='[' || str[i]=='(')
// If stack is empty, return false.
if(st.size() == 0)
return false;
else if(str[i]=='}' &&!='{')
return false;
else if(str[i]==']' &&!='[')
return false;
else if(str[i]==')' &&!='(')
return false;
// Else, pop the stack
// If stack is empty, return true.
return true;
return false;
int main()
string str;
cout<<"Enter Parenthesis string: ";
bool res = checkBalanced(str);
cout<<"\nThe given string is Balanced";
cout<<"\nThe given string is not Balanced";
OUTPUT: Enter Parenthesis string: {{[]}} The given string is balanced.
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