Merge Overlapping Intervals
“Merge Overlapping Intervals” is a standard application of stack data structure. Here, we have given set of intervals and our task is to merge all overlapping intervals and then print the resultant non-overlapping intervals.
Example: The set of intervals are: (1,4) , ( 2,5) , (7,8) , ( 6,9). After merging these intervals, the intervals will become (1, 5), (6, 9).
The steps required to merge overlapping intervals are as follows:
- Sort all the intervals, based on the starting of intervals.
- Create a stack which can hold these intervals; a “pair” type stack.
- Now, push the first interval from the set of intervals into the stack.
- For rest of the intervals, if the top interval is merging with current interval, we merge two intervals by updating ending of top interval to ending of current interval.
- Finally, we print the elements of the stack, which are merged intervals.
C++ Program to Merge Overlapping Intervals Using Stack is as follows:
/* Program to Merge Overlapping Intervals Using Stack */
using namespace std;
void mergeOverlapping(vector< pair<int,int> > &intervals)
// Sort the intervals
sort(intervals.begin(), intervals.end());
// Create stack of Interval type
stack< pair<int,int> > st;
for(int i = 0 ; i < intervals.size() ; i++)
/* If stack is empty, push interval into stack */
/* If Interval is Not Mergeabble */
else if(intervals[i].first >
/* If Interval is Mergeable, merge two intervals
by updating ending of top interval to ending of
current interval */
if( < intervals[i].second)
{ = intervals[i].second;
// Assign new set of Intervals to Interval Array
vector< pair<int,int> > new_Intervals ;
reverse(new_Intervals.begin(), new_Intervals.end());
intervals = new_Intervals;
void print(vector< pair<int,int> > intervals)
for(int i = 0 ; i < intervals.size() ; i++)
cout<<intervals[i].first<<" "<<intervals[i].second;
int main()
/* 'pair' type vector is used to
store the intervals */
vector< pair<int,int> > intervals;
// Insert Some Intervals into vector
cout<<"The intervals before merging are:\n";
cout<<"The intervals after merging are:\n";
OUTPUT: The intervals before merging are: 1 4 2 5 7 8 6 9 The intervals after merging are: 1 5 6 9
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