Reverse a String Using Stack
“Reverse a String Using Stack” is a basic programming exercise problem based on stack data structure. Here, in this problem, we are given a string and our task is to reverse a given string using stack data structure.
String: Helpmestudybro Reversed String: orbydutsempleH String: Programming is cool Reverse String: looc si gnimmargorP
The steps required to Reverse a String using stack are as follows:
- Create an empty character stack.
- Push all the characters of the string into the stack.
- Nullify the given string.
- Pop and concatenate all the character from the stack to given string.
- Return and print the result.
The time complexity of this solution is O(n) and it is using O(n) extra space.
C++ Program to Reverse a String Using Stack is as follows:
/* C++ Program to Reverse a String Using String */
using namespace std;
/* Function to Reverse a Stack */
string reverseUsingStack(string str)
/* Create an empty character Stack */
stack<char> st;
/* Push all the character of the string into stack */
for(int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
/* Nullify a string */
str = "";
/* Pop and concatenate all characters of the stack */
str = str +;
/* Return the reverse string */
return str;
int main()
string str = "helpmestudybro is an emerging website";
string reverse_string = reverseUsingStack(str);
cout<<"The Reversed String is:\n"<<reverse_string;
OUTPUT: The Reversed String is: etisbew gnigreme na si orbydutsempleh
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