Category: arrays

Next Greater Frequency Element

Next Greater Frequency Element

“Next Greater Frequency Element” is a standard problem of stack data structure. Here, in this problem, we are given an array and our task is to write a program to find the next (right side) greater frequency element of every element. If for any particular element next greater frequency element...

Implement Two Stacks in a Single Array

“Implement Two Stacks in a Single Array” is a popular technical interview problem based on stack data structure. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to implement two stacks in a single array. We need to ensure that the space in an array is...

Largest Rectangular Area in Histogram

“Largest Rectangular Area in Histogram” is one of the favorite technical interview problem, asked in many product-based company interview. Problem: We are given a histogram made up of contiguous bars of same width. Our task is to find the largest possible rectangular area.  Example: Length of contiguous bars: {5, 7, 12,...


Linked List Vs. Arrays

Both Linked list and Arrays are linear data structure used to store data. The major difference between array and linked list lies in the structure of the array and linked list and how data is stored in both of them. Related Posts: Introduction to Linked List Insert a New Node...


Sort an Array of 0s and 1s

“Sort an Array of 0s and 1s” is one of the favorite technical interview problem of array data structure. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to sort this array.  Array contains only 0s and 1s. Example: INPUT: Arr[5] = {1, 0, 1, 0,...


Find mean of an Array

“Find mean of an Array” is a basic problem of array data structure. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to find and print the mean of the array. Mean of an array = (sum of all the elements of the array) / n....


Find Majority Element of an Array

“Find Majority Element of an Array” is one of the most favorite technical interview problem based on array data structure. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to find the majority element of the array.  If there is no majority Element, print a message...


Find Equilibrium Index of an Array

“Find Equilibrium Index of an Array” is one of the favourite technical interview problem based on array data structure. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to find equilibrium index of an array. Equilibrium index of an array is that index of array where...


Print all Subarray of Given Array

“Print all Subarray of Given Array” is an important problem to understand the concept of subarrays of arrays. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to print all subarray of the given array. Example (Print all Subarray of Given Array): INPUT: Arr[4] = {11,...