Category: hashing

Check whether an Array is subset of another Array

Check whether an Array is subset of another Array

“Check whether an Array is subset of another Array” is a basic problem which can be solved using multiple methods like brute-force, sorting, binary search and hashing. Here, in this problem, we are given two arrays; arr1 and arr2 and our task is to write a program to check whether...

Next Greater Frequency Element

Next Greater Frequency Element

“Next Greater Frequency Element” is a standard problem of stack data structure. Here, in this problem, we are given an array and our task is to write a program to find the next (right side) greater frequency element of every element. If for any particular element next greater frequency element...

Find Majority Element of an Array

“Find Majority Element of an Array” is one of the most favorite technical interview problem based on array data structure. Here, we are given an array of size ‘n’ and our task is to find the majority element of the array.  If there is no majority Element, print a message...


First Repeating Element in an Array

“First Repeating Element in an Array” is an important and one of the favourite technical interview problems based on array data structure. Here, we are given an array of ‘n’ elements and our task is to find the first repeating element in an array.  If all the elements of the...


Pair in an Array with Given Sum

“Pair in an Array with Given Sum” is one of the favorite technical interview problems. Here, we are given an array with ‘n’ elements and a target value ‘x’. Our task is to find a pair in an array, whose sum is equal to target value ‘x’. Example (Pair in...


Find Most Frequent Element in an Array

“Find Most Frequent Element in an Array” is one of the favourite technical interview problem based on array data structutre. Here, we are given an array of ‘n’ elements and Our task is to find the most frequent element in an array. If there are multiple elements with same highest...


Find First Non-Repeating Character of the String

“Find First Non-Repeating Character of the String” is a very important and popular problem asked in many technical interviews of product-based companies.  Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to find the first non-repeating character of the string. Example: Input: COMPUTERSCIENCE Output: The first...


Check Pangram String

“Check Pangram String” is a very popular and basic problem of string data structure, asked in many technical interviews. Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to check whether given string is panagram string or not. Panagram String: A string is called Panagram String...


Check Whether String is Palindromic Anagram or Not

“Check Whether String is Palindromic Anagram or Not” is popular interview problem asked in many technical and algorithmic interviews. Here, we are given a string and our task is to write a program to check whether string is Palindromic Anagram or not.  A palindrome Anagram string is a string which can be...