Check Palindrome Number
“Check Palindrome Number” is very basic and important programming exercise problem. Here, we are given an integer, entered by user and our task is to write a program to check whether an entered number is palindromic number or not.
A palindromic number is a number which is when reversed stays the same number.
Examples of Palindromic Number are 22, 212, 33433 etc.
The steps required to check palindrome number are as follows:
- Scan a number from a user and copy that number to temporary variable.
- Initialize a reverse_number with 0.
- Now, one by one fetch out the last digit from a number using modulus operator and concatenate to reverse_number.
- Now, check whether reversed_number and temporary variable number are same or not.
- If they are same, then given number is palindromic number. Else, given number is not palindromic number.
C++ Program to check palindrome number is as follows:
/* C++ Program to check palindrome number */
using namespace std;
int main()
//Scan the number
int num;
cout<<"Enter the number:";
// Reverse the number
int temp = num;
int reverse = 0;
while(temp > 0)
int digit = temp % 10;
reverse = reverse*10 + digit;
temp = temp/10;
// Check Palindrome number
if(num == reverse)
cout<<num<<" is Palindromic Number";
cout<<num<<" is not Palindromic Number";
OUTPUT: Enter the number:7117 7117 is Palindromic Number
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