Tagged: strings

Count Number of Vowels and Consonants in the String

“Count Number of Vowels and Consonants in the String ” is a basic problem of string data structure. Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to count the number of vowels and consonants present in the string. Example: Input: Help12me!@study#bro Output: The number of...

Count Frequency of Character in String

“Count Frequency of Character in String” is a basic problem of string data structure. Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to write a program to count how many times a particular character occurs in the string. Example: Input:  Enter a string: abcdrfedsdfddgr Enter...

Reverse a String

“Reverse a String” is a basic operation which can be applied over string. Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to write a program to reverse the given string without using in-built function.  Example: INPUT: ABCDEFGH OUTPUT: HGFEDCBA There are multiple ways to reverse a...


Check for balanced parentheses

“Check for balanced parentheses” is one of an ideal application of stack data structure. Here, we have given a parentheses string and our aim is to check whether the given string is balanced parentheses string or not.  Balanced parentheses strings are those strings who have closing parentheses like }, ], ) for each...