Category: strings

Reverse a String Using Stack

“Reverse a String Using Stack” is a basic programming exercise problem based on stack data structure. Here, in this problem, we are given a string and our task is to reverse a given string using stack data structure. Example: String: Helpmestudybro Reversed String: orbydutsempleH   String: Programming is cool Reverse...

Find First Non-Repeating Character of the String

“Find First Non-Repeating Character of the String” is a very important and popular problem asked in many technical interviews of product-based companies.  Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to find the first non-repeating character of the string. Example: Input: COMPUTERSCIENCE Output: The first...

Check Pangram String

“Check Pangram String” is a very popular and basic problem of string data structure, asked in many technical interviews. Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is to check whether given string is panagram string or not. Panagram String: A string is called Panagram String...


Check Whether String is Palindromic Anagram or Not

“Check Whether String is Palindromic Anagram or Not” is popular interview problem asked in many technical and algorithmic interviews. Here, we are given a string and our task is to write a program to check whether string is Palindromic Anagram or not.  A palindrome Anagram string is a string which can be...


Check if Two Strings are Rotations of each other

“check if two strings are rotations of each other” is a popular interview problem based on string data structure. Here, we are given two strings str1 and str2 and our task is to check whether these two strings are in rotation of each other or not. Example: INPUT: String 1:...


Find Longest Palindromic Substring – SET 1

“Find Longest Palindromic Substring” is an important and one of the interview favourite problem of string data structure. Here, we are given a string and our task is to write a program to find the longest palindromic substring in the given string.  Longest Palindromic Substring: Longest Palindromic Substring of the given string...


Print All Substrings of a String

“Print all substrings of a String” is a popular technical interview problem asked in many interviews. Here, we are given a string of length ‘n’ and our task is write a program to count and print all substrings of a string.  Example: INPUT: ABCD OUTPUT: No of substring: 10 Substrings:...


Reverse Each Word in a String

“Reverse Each Word in a String” is a popular problem of string data structure. Here, we are given a string of words and our task is to write a program to reverse each word in a string. Example: INPUT: HelpMeStudyBro is an Emerging Website OUTPUT: orBydutSeMpleH si na gnigremE etisbeW ...