Find Smallest and Largest Word in String
“Find Smallest and Largest Word in String” is again a basic problem of string data structure. Here, we are given a string containing some words and our task is to write a program to find smallest and largest word in string.
INPUT: Help Me Study Bro OUTPUT: Smallest Word: Me Largest Word: Study
The steps required to find smallest and largest word in string are:
- Separate each word of the string. (stringstream can be used in C++ to do the same task).
- Count each word length. Store the largest and smallest while scanning.
- Print smallest and largest word.
C++ Program to Find Smallest and Largest Word in String is as follows:
/* Program to Find Smallest and Largest Word in String */
using namespace std;
int main()
string str;
/* Scan the String */
cout<<"Enter a string:\n";
/* Word Variable to store word */
string word;
/* Making Stirng stream */
stringstream iss(str);
string smallest;
string largest;
int flag = 0;
/* Scanning each word of the string and
storing the result in temporary variables */
while (iss >> word)
if(flag == 0)
smallest = word;
largest = word;
flag = 1;
if(smallest.length() > word.length())
smallest = word;
else if(word.length() > largest.length())
largest = word;
/* Printing the Result */
cout<<"Smallest Word: "<<smallest;
cout<<"\nLargest Word: "<<largest;
OUTPUT: Enter a string: Help Me Study Bro Smallest Word: Me Largest Word: Study
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